Comment 7 for bug 206258

Revision history for this message
Martin Pool (mbp) wrote :

The patch changes the behaviour to be like this:

mbp@grace% ./bzr init --development-subtree /tmp/a
mbp@grace% ./bzr init --development /tmp/b
mbp@grace% ./bzr ci -m 'foo' /tmp/a --unchanged
Committing to: /tmp/a/
Committed revision 1.
mbp@grace% ./bzr pull -d /tmp/b /tmp/a
bzr: ERROR: KnitPackRepository('file:///tmp/b/.bzr/repository/')
is not compatible with
different rich-root support
zsh: exit 3 ./bzr pull -d /tmp/b /tmp/a

I would agree this is not the most helpful message possible as to what you should do next but at least it is giving a specific message about what is wrong. Perhaps we should include a suggestion.