Comment 3 for bug 139722

Revision history for this message
Alexander Belchenko (bialix) wrote : Re: [Bug 139722] Re: Bzr not installed into path via windows installer

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Jonathan Jesse пишет:
> In answer to your questions:
> 1. Yes I installed as an admin on my Windows XP Pro
> 2. I did not uncheck the option during the installation
> Downloaded the standalone installer for Windows 0.90
> C:\Documents and Settings\Jonathan>path
> PATH=C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\Program Files\Al
> tiris\Software Virtualization Agent\
> C:\Documents and Settings\Jonathan>bzr
> 'bzr' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
> operable program or batch file.

Weird. It's work for me all the time since bzr 0.8.
What is version of your Windows? I works with win2k, winxp-home and win98,
and it works for me on all these platforms. I just check on my
laptop with winxp-home, and users w/o admin rights indeed have Bazaar
in their PATH.

Can you check this behavior with 0.91rc2?

Can you log on as admin and check PATH environment variable again?
Can you open cmd shell window, then cd to C:\Program Files\Bazaar
and run command:

bzr_postinstall --add-path

and show output of this command?

If this command ran successfull then you should see
C:\Program Files\Bazaar in PATH, but you need to reboot
your machine first, or right-click My Computer, select Properties,
click on Advanced tab, then click Environment variables Button.
In bottom half of window you should see global environment variables.
Double-click on line with Path and check value of this variable.
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