Comment 1 for bug 139722

Revision history for this message
Alexander Belchenko (bialix) wrote : Re: [Bug 139722] Bzr not installed into path via windows installer

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Jonathan Jesse пишет:
> Don't remember the exact option, but I thought there was one to install
> bzr to the path. Seems silly that it doesn't install to the path. When
> I run the Start Bzr in the cmd window it only works for the c:\programs
> file\bazaar folder, when I have my bzr branches in e:\documentation

By default, standalone installer add directory where bzr.exe installed
to environment variable PATH. If you unchecked this option during install
then it's not try to change environment variables.

Also, if you install Bazaar in non-admin mode, installer unable to change
global PATH environment variable, and only change settings for current user.
So, if you then login as different user you don;t have Bazaar in your PATH.

Can you show content of your PATH variable?
Start -> Run -> type 'cmd' and hit Enter,
then type 'PATH' in command shell window and hit Enter.
Select text in command shell window with mouse and hit Enter. Text will be copied
to clipboard. Then paste this text when you'll answer for this bug.

Can you say you're installing Bazaar in admin mode or not?
Can you install Bazaar again with option
"Add C:\Program Files\Bazaar directory to PATH environment variable"
turned on (this option appear on 6th step of installer wizard)?

 status incomplete

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