Comment 2 for bug 1040276

Revision history for this message
Vincent Ladeuil (vila) wrote :

> just unversion the directory and be done with it.

If you leave the unversioned directory in place and do the opposite operation that led to the directory being unversioned, you'll get a conflict when trying to restore the versioned directory which will move that directory to <directory.moved> to be able to install the versioned one.

This leads to even more confusion.

So until a distinction is made between junk files (*.o *.pyc which can be deleted) and precious files (which should be preserved), there *is* a conflict that bzr cannot resolve automatically.

So this bug report *is* valid, we need a way to better preserve (and restore) the orphaned files but the fix introducing bzr.transform.orphan_policy was a first useful step addressing *one* use case: stop generating conflicts when junk files were in the way while giving some rough safety net for precious files.

Note that starting with bzr-2.5 you can control the config option from the command line with -Obzr.transform.policy=[conflict|orphan]

Or set the default value in either bazaar.conf, locations.conf or branch.conf