Comment 11 for bug 849087

Revision history for this message
Gordon Tyler (doxxx) wrote :

lsprof output for 'bzr up' when there are changes in the remote svn branch to fetch.

Corresponding bzr.log snippet:

Fri 2011-09-23 11:27:20 -0400
0.046 bazaar version: 2.4.0
0.046 bzr arguments: [u'--lsprof', u'--lsprof-file', u'lsprof3.txt', u'up']
0.051 looking for plugins in C:/Users/gtyler/AppData/Roaming/bazaar/2.0/plugins
0.052 looking for plugins in C:/Program Files (x86)/Bazaar2.4/plugins
0.101 encoding stdout as sys.stdout encoding 'cp437'
0.139 opening working tree 'C:/dev/JMXCartridge'
0.287 bzr-svn: using Subversion 1.6.6 (), subvertpy 0.8.0
68.872 Packing repository GCRepositoryPackCollection(CHKInventoryRepository('file:///C:/dev/JMXCartridge/.bzr/branches/.bzr/repository/')), which has 8 pack files, containing 1207 revisions with hint ['893baaf65a854f46a761248952f0cc5c'].
68.873 repacking 2 revisions
68.877 repacking 2 inventories
68.880 repacking chk: 2 id_to_entry roots, 2 p_id_map roots, 24 total keys
68.893 repacking 17 texts
68.948 repacking 0 signatures
[ 7824] 2011-09-23 11:28:30.030 INFO: All changes applied successfully.
[ 7824] 2011-09-23 11:28:30.039 INFO: Updated to revision 1171 of branch http://torsvn/repos/Cartridges/JMXCartridge/trunk
69.715 Transferred: 131kB (1.9kB/s r:1kB w:1kB u:129kB)
[ 7824] 2011-09-23 11:28:30.275 INFO: Profile data written to "lsprof3.txt".
69.887 return code 0