Comment 26 for bug 485601

Revision history for this message
Glyph Lefkowitz (glyph) wrote :

I just reproduced this on bzr-svn 1.0.4.

I reproduced it fairly simply: I have 2 repositories, one on a desktop and one on a laptop.

desktop$ bzr init-repository .
desktop$ bzr get svn+http:.../trunk
laptop$ bzr init-repository .
laptop$ bzr get svn+http:.../trunk
laptop$ bzr branch trunk feature-branch
laptop$ hack hack hack
laptop$ bzr ci -m "stuff"
desktop$ bzr get bzr+ssh://laptop/~/feature-branch
... and that causes the traceback.

There is literally only one bzr revision in my feature branch which hasn't been pushed to SVN which seems to be causing the problem.