Comment 8 for bug 235776

Revision history for this message
Mirko Friedenhagen (mfriedenhagen) wrote :

Hello Martin,

I am using bzr-1.6b1, svn built from trunk revision 31634 and your svn-1.5-branch. Pulling into my existing copy of the hudson-trunk (password for guest is empty), I receive:

--- snip ---
(uiserver):u42913263:~/bzr/hudson/trunk > bzr pull -Dtransport -v
Using saved location:
bzr-svn is not up to date with installed bzr version 1.6b1.
There should be a newer version of bzr-svn available.
python: subversion/libsvn_subr/path.c:439: svn_path_is_empty: Assertion `is_canonical(path, strlen(path))' failed.
--- snap ---

Pulling freshly from start, removing svn-cache beforehand produces the same error-message:

--- snip ---
(uiserver):u42913263:~/bzr/hudson > bzr checkout svn+ trunk-new
bzr-svn is not up to date with installed bzr version 1.6b1.
There should be a newer version of bzr-svn available.
Initialising Subversion metadata cache in /kunden/homepages/32/d184636148/htdocs/.bazaar/svn-cache/71c3de6d-444a-0410-be80-ed276b4c234a
python: subversion/libsvn_subr/path.c:439: svn_path_is_empty: Assertion `is_canonical(path, strlen(path))' failed.
--- snap ---

The cache is filled containing a cache-4 db of 9.4 MB.
