Comment 5 for bug 159111

Revision history for this message
Dato Simó (dato) wrote : Public branch showing the problem

In case it can be useful, here's a public branch with which the problem
can be reproduce:

% bzr get
Branched 91 revision(s).

% D=`mktemp -d`; svnadmin create $D/repo
% cd testing-stuff
% bzr svn-push svn+ssh://localhost/${D##/}/repo/trunk
bzr: ERROR: libsvn._core.SubversionException: ('Invalid diff stream: insn 0 cannot be decoded', 185003)

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/adeodato/devel/bzr/bzr.revno_in_tags/bzrlib/", line 802, in run_bzr_catch_errors
    return run_bzr(argv)
  File "/home/adeodato/devel/bzr/bzr.revno_in_tags/bzrlib/", line 758, in run_bzr
    ret = run(*run_argv)
  File "/home/adeodato/devel/bzr/bzr.revno_in_tags/bzrlib/", line 492, in run_argv_aliases
  File "/home/adeodato/.bazaar/plugins/svn/", line 312, in run
    target_branch = bzrdir.import_branch(source_branch, revision_id)
  File "/home/adeodato/.bazaar/plugins/svn/", line 149, in import_branch
    branch.pull(source, stop_revision=stop_revision)
  File "/home/adeodato/.bazaar/plugins/svn/", line 301, in pull
    self.update_revisions(source, stop_revision)
  File "/home/adeodato/.bazaar/plugins/svn/", line 363, in update_revisions
    push(self, other, revid)
  File "/home/adeodato/.bazaar/plugins/svn/", line 702, in push
  File "/home/adeodato/.bazaar/plugins/svn/", line 493, in commit
    self.editor.change_dir_prop(branch_batons[-1], prop, value,
  File "/home/adeodato/.bazaar/plugins/svn/", line 99, in convert
    raise convert_error(e)
SubversionException: ('Invalid diff stream: insn 0 cannot be decoded', 185003)