Comment 0 for bug 1487759

Revision history for this message
Watson-dominic (watson-dominic) wrote : Keyboard settings -> Options: lacking xkb "grp:" options

The "Keyboard settings -> Options" dialog lacks a section for controlling various "grp:" options for xkb. Other distros have named this section "Switching to another layout" and it contains the following set of XKB options:

    grp:switch — toggle using right alt key, but only until unpressed
    grp:lswitch — Left Alt key switches group while pressed
    grp:lwin_switch — Left Win-key switches group while pressed
    grp:rwin_switch — Right Win-key switches group while pressed
    grp:win_switch — Both Win-keys switch group while pressed
    grp:toggle — Right Alt key changes group
    grp:lalt_toggle — Left Alt key changes group
    grp:caps_toggle — Caps Lock key changes group
    grp:shift_caps_toggle — Shift+CapsLock changes group
    grp:shift_toggle — Both Shift keys together change group
    grp:alts_toggle — Both Alt keys together change group
    grp:ctrls_toggle — Both Ctrl keys together change group
    grp:ctrl_shift_toggle — Control+Shift changes group
    grp:ctrl_alt_toggle — Alt+Control changes group
    grp:alt_shift_toggle — Alt+Shift changes group
    grp:menu_toggle — toggle using "context menu" key on Windows keyboards
    grp:lwin_toggle — toggle using left win key on Windows keyboards
    grp:rwin_toggle — toggle using right win key on Windows keyboards
    grp:lshift_toggle — Left Shift key changes group
    grp:rshift_toggle — Right Shift key changes group
    grp:lctrl_toggle — Left Ctrl key changes group
    grp:rctrl_toggle — Right Ctrl key changes group
    grp_led — use keyboard leds to indicate group change
    grp_led:num — Num_Lock led indicates group change
    grp_led:caps — Caps_Lock led indicates group change
    grp_led:scroll — Scroll_Lock led indicates group change

A workaround to the problem is setting the desired options with setxkbmap directly with something like:

`setxkbmap -options 'grp:caps_toggle'`

The problem with this (and this relates also to:, is that whenever you go into the keyboard settings dialog, your custom setxkbmap settings are erased and you need to reapply them. Having them in the GUI would eradicate this problem.

Here is a guide to what I am attempting to achieve: