Comment 3 for bug 505692

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jjh (jjh-nospam) wrote :

if found that my suggested applescript works fine in my situation, but there is a problem for a more general use:

the "&> /dev/null &" appendix (see original post above) makes that applescript does not wait for the shell script to terminate.
but unfortunately, redirecting the output of bzr explorer to /dev/null also breaks the way bzr explorer usually asks for passwords (e.g. when pushing over ssh)

possible solutions:
a) can bzr explorer be configured so it uses a dialogue box instead of the commandline to prompt for passwords?
b) using ssh keypairs on the client and server instead of password authentication
c) otherwise, we will need an open window that can prompt the user for passwords - but i would appreciate not having to see a terminal window everytime i want to use bzr explorer