Comment 2 for bug 399067

Revision history for this message
Piotr Piastucki (piastucki) wrote :

There seems to be a bug in xmloutput plugin that makes the plugin append unwanted * at the end of the file name in case of files with the execute bit changed. E.g.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><status workingtree_root="/somefolder/inkscape/"><modified><file fid="authors-20091128124040-aej0x7yhxng1m6ly-2">AUTHORS*</file></modified></status>

See, line 274 for more details:

            if len(item) == 5 and item[4]:
                path += '*'

Instead of changing the file path it would be better to add a flag denoting changes in file permissions.