Comment 1 for bug 477805

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JeffV (jeff-launchpad-tanasity) wrote : Re: bzr-gtk unusable in Nautilus

I find it unusably slow too, taking minutes to navigate between directories when browsing.

But in my case, this may not be directly attributable to Olive....

I have a Virtualbox VM with Ubuntu Hardy Heron running on it. This acts as a development server, mimicing a live environment. The files on this Virtualbox are under Bazaar control. The project consists of about

To make changes to the code I mount the development directory using sshfs, and alter the code. Obviously sshfs is an overhead that is redundant since the Virtualbox is on the local machine. This may be what is slowing Olive down so much. Or it could be that Olive is hugely inefficient over networks, even if it is a virtual network.

I'm running a Q6600 quad core Intel with 8GB memory. Other operations with the virtual machine are speedy. The virtual machine has 2GB of the 8 dedicated to it.

I have just under 15,000 files under Bazaar, stored in about 900 directories.