Comment 1 for bug 127734

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Jeff Fortin Tam (kiddo) wrote :

Just copy-pasting a conversation from #bzr, for the record.

<nekohayo> those progressbars are weird. They remove themselves dozens of times per second! Don't quite know what to do with that
<jelmer> I've been thinking about making it possible to set a "progress bar widget", so windows can tell the progress bar to appear in a specific place before they start doing something (like viz analysing history)

<nekohayo> a big question I'd like to ask: wouldn't it be simpler to just have *one* master progressbar?
<jelmer> There is a top-level progressbar, so you could choose to ignore all sub-progress bars

<nekohayo> hrmm. Do you have a branch of that or something? a bit beyond my coding skillset i think, but if you want a UI reviewer I'd be glad to comment, etc

<jelmer> No, not yet. The progress bars need a lot of work, not just the way they look but also the way they're handled inside of bzr-gtk/olive. Comments the UI are more than welcome on the mailing list or the bug tracker. Ideally, they'll be integrated in the various windows and no longer be standalone windows. They really need a lot of refactoring first before we can look at the specific ui

<nekohayo> actually, I think the best way would be having an "info pane" like gedit/eog's at the top below the toolbar;
<jelmer> bzr-gtk is not just olive, the various dialogs can appear without olive as well
<nekohayo> but then how would you integrate them into the various windows?
<jelmer> integrate them into the various windows themselve rather than in some top-level window or did I misunderstand you earlier?
<nekohayo> well isn't olive just one top level window?
<jelmer> some of the windows that can appear with olive as top level window can also appear standalone

<jelmer> the problem is, the master progress bar isn't always linear
<lifeless> we can't do linear; we can do linear for some parts of the operation
<jelmer> so you may want to see the subprogressbar in some cases

<jelmer> I think this would be an interesting thing to bring up on the list