Comment 0 for bug 719238

Revision history for this message
Pietro Battiston (toobaz) wrote : "These branches have diverged" - he's lying

pietro@voubian:/tmp$ mkdir pippo
pietro@voubian:/tmp$ cd pippo/
pietro@voubian:/tmp/pippo$ bzr branch lp:gueic
Branched 136 revision(s).
pietro@voubian:/tmp/pippo$ mkdir with_git
pietro@voubian:/tmp/pippo$ cd with_git/
pietro@voubian:/tmp/pippo/with_git$ git init
Initialized empty Git repository in /tmp/pippo/with_git/.git/
pietro@voubian:/tmp/pippo/with_git$ cd ../gueic/
pietro@voubian:/tmp/pippo/gueic$ bzr push ../with_git/
This transport does not update the working tree of: file:///tmp/pippo/with_git/. See 'bzr help working-trees' for more information.
Created new branch.
pietro@voubian:/tmp/pippo/gueic$ bzr pull ../with_git/
bzr: ERROR: These branches have diverged. Use the missing command to see how.
Use the merge command to reconcile them.
pietro@voubian:/tmp/pippo/gueic$ apt-cache policy bzr-git
  Installato: 0.5.4-1
  Candidato: 0.5.4-1
  Tabella versione:
 *** 0.5.4-1 0
        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
     0.5.3-1 0
        650 wheezy/main amd64 Packages

Now, I do see read at that "All operations except for "push" are supported."... but then I assume it's just outdated, since the README and bug #690547 seem to suggest "push" is supported too (and indeed it seems to work).