Comment 2 for bug 598174

Revision history for this message
Brian de Alwis (slyguy) wrote :

I remembered that I still had the original repository. Experimenting some more, I've found how to reproduce the problem:

  1. bzr branch git:// tycho-trunk
  2. bzr branch -r git:e3496cbba2628c05a8d03d6a95af026dab1d3fa2 tycho-trunk tycho-past
  3. cd tycho-past
  4. bzr colo-ify
       Note that 'bzr git-objects' runs fine (when run from .bzr.branches, the repository).
  5. bzr pull git://

And the problem recurs if I "rm -rf .bzr/branches/.bzr/repository/git" and then repull.