Comment 69 for bug 402814

Revision history for this message
dreamcat4 (dreamcat4) wrote :


Listen to me: you MUST rewind the git repo(s) for your official priject back to a point before the submodule commit. It's your only hope to recover from this situation on Then carefully re-apply any commits since then cleanly. If it's not too late, that's your least - cost option.

You can try messing around with git-->svn-->bzr import but that is simply flat out not gonna work if you're source repo is on (due to other bug in bzr / launchpad)

The entire bzr toolset is now defunct, including the bzr-git helper tool. So those bugs are never getting fixed / going away. The launchpad team are in a transition period right now, and it's a priority for them to get proper git hosting going (including native git-git imports). But they don't have any solid timeframe by which you can reasonably expect that to become available.

I say that coming from another project, where we already investigated every other possible workaround, including importing via git->svn->bzr, and asking github to help us work around the blocking launchpad bugs / issues. It was all dead ends. Eventually I just had to set up a brand new build system on dockerhub (tvheadend project). With a 'maybe when' can return back to

For reference: our project the tvheadend builds had been broken on launchpad for about 2 years or something. Way before I got involved with it. So it was already far too late to be rewinding / picking through the commits.