Comment 3 for bug 1030347

Revision history for this message
Jared Silva (jayrod) wrote :

This is the general case for me, as I see the problem in all branches/repos I have checked.

from dpkg -l ...
ii bzr 2.5.1-0ubuntu2 easy to use distributed version control system
ii bzr-explorer 1.2.2-1 GUI application for using Bazaar
ii bzr-fastimport 0.13.0-1 Fast-import/fast-export plugin for Bazaar
ii bzr-git 0.6.8-1 Bazaar plugin providing Git integration
ii bzr-rewrite 0.6.3-1ubuntu1 History rewriting plugin for Bazaar
ii bzr-svn 1.2.1-1 Bazaar plugin providing Subversion integration
ii python-bzrlib 2.5.1-0ubuntu2 distributed version control system - python library
ii qbzr 0.22.2-1 Graphical interface for Bazaar using the Qt toolkit
ii git 1: fast, scalable, distributed revision control system
ii git-gui 1: fast, scalable, distributed revision control system (GUI)
ii git-man 1: fast, scalable, distributed revision control system (manual pages)
ii git-svn 1: fast, scalable, distributed revision control system (svn interoperability)
ii gitk 1: fast, scalable, distributed revision control system (revision tree visualizer)
ii python-dulwich 0.8.5-2 Python Git library

$ bzr --version
Bazaar (bzr) 2.5.1
  Python interpreter: /usr/bin/python 2.7.3
  Python standard library: /usr/lib/python2.7
  Platform: Linux-3.2.0-27-generic-x86_64-with-Ubuntu-12.04-precise
  bzrlib: /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/bzrlib
  Bazaar configuration: /home/jayrod/.bazaar
  Bazaar log file: /home/jayrod/.bzr.log

$ bzr plugins
bash_completion 2.5.1
  Generate a shell function for bash command line completion.

changelog_merge 2.5.1
  Merge hook for GNU-format ChangeLog files

explorer 1.2.2
  Version Control for Human Beings.

fastimport 0.13.0
  FastImport Plugin

git 0.6.8
  A GIT branch and repository format implementation for bzr.

launchpad 2.5.1 integration plugin for Bazaar.

netrc_credential_store 2.5.1
  Use ~/.netrc as a credential store for authentication.conf.

news_merge 2.5.1
  Merge hook for bzr's NEWS file.

po_merge 2.5.1
  Merge hook for ``.po`` files.

qbzr 0.22.2
  QBzr - Qt-based frontend for Bazaar

rewrite 0.6.3
  Rebase support.

svn 1.2.1
  Support for Subversion branches

weave_fmt 2.5.1
  Weave formats.