Comment 2 for bug 590367

Revision history for this message
a (tuomasjjrasanen) wrote :

Ok, I investigated this a bit and I think I found the problem.

Here is my findings:

The problem is in the

r261 has a function branch_mapper.BranchMapper.git_to_bzr() which expects to get a git reference name string and returns bazaar equivalent. The diff file in the lucid's package however, changes this function to expect a *list* of git reference names and returns a dict mapping.

The diff file however does not modify callers accordingly.

So the easiest (and perhaps safest) solution would be to patch the diff-file?

The patch itself would be quite trivial: just modify the callers (only 4 places?). However, I can provide this if needed. It would be a good practice to get into bug-fixing business, if someone is willing to guide me through the whole process.