Comment 7 for bug 325331

Revision history for this message
Ian Clatworthy (ian-clatworthy) wrote :

This bug has me worried so I've tried really hard this weekend to track it down. I can confirm that the original git branches have a different number of revisions to the one generated by bzr-fastimport:

* devel: bzr=49, git=49
* escrow: bzr=197, git=231
* master: bzr=270, git=304
* nss: bzr=209, git=243
* ubuntu: bzr=226, git=270

I got those numbers by running

  bzr log --line -n0 xxx | wc -l


  git log --pretty=oneline --topo-order origin/xxx | wc -l

in the respective repositories. So most branches are missing 34 revisions and, looking deeper, those 34 revisions are only in the devel branch in the repo+branches generated by bzr-fastimport. *However*, I can't find anything in the data stream that suggests those revisions *ought* to be in the other branches. As best I can determine, bzr-fastimport is doing exactly the right thing and the bug is therefore either in git-fast-export or git-log or ???

Any ideas? Any further information you can give me here?

FWIW, I've merged a nice patch from Brian de Alwis so that bzr-fastimport can support resets. That has improved bzr-fastimport's tracking of heads which I thought might be related to this but it hasn't made any difference w.r.t the above. Grab rev 109 if you want to try out the latest code.