Comment 3 for bug 595251

Revision history for this message
Bruce Mutton (dangle) wrote :

Sorry , my post was ambiguous.
Bazaar Explorer (BE) opens and can be used as intended (subject to quite a high rate of possibly unrelated errors and crashes that never occur with the command line bazaar or tortoise bazaar).

After the user closes the application, a dialog remains with the error message noted.
The is an OK button which clears the dialog.

And on playing around I see that the error does __not__ __always__ occur, it only occurs when activated from certain folders.
A particular case in point; I opened BE from a trunk that used to have a feature branch named scrunchDuplicateSurveyFiles.
When i was finished with it I deleted it using Windows Explorer.
Now whenever I open BE from that trunk it displays the message (in red).

 Not a branch: "C:/Documents and Settings/Bruce/My Documents/Bruce/Outdoor/Cave/Therion Data and Notes/th_RiwakaCaveSystemData/scrunchDuplicateSurveyFiles/".

I was not too concerned about this, but now I am wondering if it could be related to bug 595251

Anyway, this is one of the scenarios that causes this error dialog?

For what it is worth here is the result of bzr version.

Run command: bzr version
Bazaar (bzr) 2.1.1
  Python interpreter: C:\Program Files\Bazaar\python25.dll 2.5.4
  Python standard library: C:\Program Files\Bazaar\lib\
  Platform: Windows-XP-5.1.2600-SP3
  bzrlib: C:\Program Files\Bazaar\lib\\bzrlib
  Bazaar configuration: C:\Documents and Settings\Bruce\Application Data\bazaar\2.0
  Bazaar log file: C:\Documents and Settings\Bruce\My Documents\.bzr.log