Comment 2 for bug 384988

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Ian Clatworthy (ian-clatworthy) wrote :

From IRC chat with Alexander ...

23:59:56) igc: bialix: any thoughts on bug 384988?
(23:59:59) ubottu: Launchpad bug 384988 in bzr-explorer "File > Open does not follow shortcuts (soft links) on win32" [Undecided,New]
(10/06/09 00:02:08) bialix: igc: I have no idea. I'd say PyQt/Qt should use native windows dialogs if possible, but I can't be 100% sure
(00:02:15) bialix: so it's more PyQT bug
(00:04:55) bialix: from PyQT help:
(00:05:05) bialix: The easiest way to create a QFileDialog is to use the static functions. On Windows, these static functions will call the native Windows file dialog, and on Mac OS X these static function will call the native Mac OS X file dialog.
(00:05:40) bialix: so, it seems like PyQt tries to call native dialog
(00:05:47) bialix: at least it claims so
(00:06:37) bialix: wait
(00:06:40) beuno left the room (quit: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)).
(00:06:59) bialix: from the PyQt help:
(00:07:02) bialix: QString dir = QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory(this, tr("Open Directory"),
(00:07:04) bialix: "/home",
(00:07:05) bialix: QFileDialog.ShowDirsOnly
(00:07:06) bialix: | QFileDialog.DontResolveSymlinks);
(00:07:13) bialix: look at the last argument