Comment 13 for bug 907363

Revision history for this message
Ryan Waldroop (ryan.waldroop) wrote :

So I've created a file at ~/.byobu/windows.tmux and added the following:

neww -n top top
neww -n localhost zsh

When I SSH into that server, byobu runs, but top does not show up at the bottom. Then, if I press F6 to disconnect, I return to my local machine.

If I SSH into the server a second time, I get the option to connect to my previous session with 1 window, or another session with 2 windows.

Selecting the option with 2 windows does indeed show top and and zsh running as expected, but why do they not run when byobu first starts?

So I found /usr/share/byobu/profiles/tmuxrc and moved the windows variable to the top of that list. Then it didn't run at all. I tried it in each position but about halfway down it started running as before.

Hope that helps figure this out.