Comment 55 for bug 1604750

Revision history for this message
Mark Kelly (mckub1) wrote :

Either of 1). or 2) will do it -

1). save complete updates_available file in post #50 then do:
    a). cd /usr/lib/byobu
    b). sudo cp updates_available updates_available.orig
    c). save the new updates_available file from post #50 here
    d). sudo chmod 755 updates_available

or using patch file -

2). save patch file from post #52
    a). cd /usr/lib/byobu
    b). save updates_available.patch from post #52 here
    c). run patch cmd with it -
           sudo patch < updates_available.patch

The bottom line is there are only two lines different to change from the original file.
And either method above should work.

Thank you for trying/testing. Let me know if it improves the issue.