Comment 4 for bug 1268072

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Prateek Karandikar (prateek.karandikar) wrote :

I have the same problem too. Pressing double-tab screws things up, and the characters displayed on screen are not the same as what the terminal thinks they are. For example, pressing two tabs transfers the two extra spaces from before the command to after the command, visually. But internally, nothing has changed. So by looking at things visually, one feels like deleting the last two extra spaces, but what gets deleted are the last two characters one had actually typed.

Below, I will use _ to indicate a space and | to indicate the caret position. I describe what I *see*, not what the terminal believes is happening. When I open a terminal, I see this:


I type something:


I press tab a few times:


I wonder why the two extra spaces, so I backspace twice and continue typing the command


I get an error saying that the command "echtest" wasn't found. This means that when I pressed backspace twice, internally the space after the 'o' and the 'o' got deleted. This is sort of expected, because these two were the last two characters I had typed before backspacing.

This makes the default byobu prompt unusable. If I change the ⟫ character to >, the behaviour is normal. I'm using Konsole on Kubuntu 13.10. The character encoding in Konsole is set to UTF-8.