
Tracker type:
Google Code
Created by:
Paul Gevers

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Bug watches

112 of 12 results
Launchpad bug Remote bug Status Last check Next check
#1399945: Settings, Preferences, ect. - All keyboard input is added twice 223 2024-07-27 00:59:33 UTC
#1295226: (Private) -
#1058380: winff did not fully transition to libav in Ubuntu 174 2024-07-27 00:59:33 UTC
#1014613: Convert Mobile Phones, MP3 incomplete frame error 147 2024-07-27 00:59:33 UTC
#876739: [oneiric] Tabs in "Extra options" are not accessible 128 2024-07-27 00:59:33 UTC
#871332: [oneiric] presets shipped with winff should be updated to match ffmpeg in oneiric 131 2024-07-27 00:59:33 UTC
#695040: The italian language GUI is impossible to reed in same voices 47 2024-07-27 00:59:33 UTC
#694528: [gnome3]winff causes crash of gnome-shell 105 2024-07-27 00:59:33 UTC
#692747: Device Preset Doesn't Propagate Additional Options section 88 2024-07-27 00:59:33 UTC
#687687: WinFF - Should detect failure to start terminal properly 102 2024-07-27 00:59:33 UTC
#574921: ffmpeg: unrecognized option '--ar' 63 2024-07-27 00:59:33 UTC
#521818: Winff startup warning about access violation and possible data corruption 55 2024-07-27 00:59:33 UTC
112 of 12 results