adept doesn't work behind a proxy server

Bug #48682 reported by Gianfranco Liporace
Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone
Adept Manager
adept (Ubuntu)
Won't Fix
Declined for Gutsy by Henrik Nilsen Omma

Bug Description

today I tried kubuntu on my office machine (installed via network), configured the proxy server through konqueror configuration panel, internet works, but adept refuse to fetch updates and packages. The only way I can make adept work is to set the 'http_proxy' variable.

Revision history for this message
In , Abbaspour (abbaspour) wrote :

Version: 1 (using KDE KDE 3.4.3)
Installed from: Ubuntu Packages
OS: Linux

I have installed Kubuntu 5.1 on several machines adept works fine at home with router and direct connection to the internet.
adept does not work in corporate environment, there is a proxy server using port: 8080 for all the protocols. The same machine (a notebook) is working perfectly fine at home but is crippled on the job.

I can surf the net and download files but can’t install apps or fetch updates. adept displays only the installed apps.
This is not unique to one machine only I have installed on
1- HP Evo desktop
2- HP Proliant DL320
3- HP Proliant ML150
4- Compaq M700 Notebook with the same result

Please add the possibility to use a different port or the same port as konqueror
If possible an ftp site would be better (for resources)

Revision history for this message
In , mornfall (mornfall) wrote :

Adept is currently using the apt proxy settings (i believe environment variables should work to select proxy, if no, then apt configuration file). I will try to make it respect kde proxy settings; please use the above workaround in the meantime (man apt.conf will tell you how to set up the proxy for apt).

Revision history for this message
In , mornfall (mornfall) wrote :

Moving to 3.0 milestone.

Revision history for this message
Kenny Duffus (kduffus) wrote :

Have you configured APT to use the proxy?

For instance in /etc/apt/apt.conf you should have a line similar to:

Acquire::http::Proxy "";

Revision history for this message
Gianfranco Liporace (dr.kabuto) wrote :

Yes, I know that, but I think that for a newbie, adept should use kde proxy server settings or, like synaptic, have a dialog that lets one do that.

Revision history for this message
In , mornfall (mornfall) wrote :

*** Bug 128844 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***

Revision history for this message
In , Kyromaster (kyromaster) wrote :

This doesn´t work in Kubuntu 6.06. Will it be implemented for future versions?

Revision history for this message
In , Cl-irion (cl-irion) wrote :


i use a Linux-Firewall (iptables with FWBuilder) and Squid-Proxy with Authentification betwean my Linux (KUBUNTU) / Windows -Workstation and Internet-connection.

Proxy in /etc/apt/apt.conf doesn't work.
Setting global variable ( HTTP_PROXY=http://account:password@ and FTP_PROXY= ...) doesnt work with ADEPT, it works with KONQUEROR and Firefox.

Have I made something wrong or ist Proxy with authentification not supportet by Ubuntu/kubuntu ?

Revision history for this message
Ronan BARZIC (rbarzic) wrote :

Problem still present in Kubuntu 7.04beta
This is really annoying when trying to install Kubuntu at work.
This also may explain why some people are reporting Kubuntu 7.04 instalation problem (installer hangs at 82% - you have to disconnect the network)

Changed in ept:
status: Unconfirmed → Confirmed
Revision history for this message
MadeR (massimiliano-dellarovere) wrote :

Kubuntu has just been released and this bug is still present.
I'd like to add that also "apt-get" and aptitude commands from the console should work and the file /etc/wgetrc should be updated with the current proxy

Revision history for this message
Christophe Olinger (olingerc) wrote :

Still doesn't work in Kubuntu hardy 3. Hallo? Anyone out there who can fix this?

Revision history for this message
In , Jostle (jostle) wrote :

This is still a problem with Kubuntu 7.10
My work around is to start adept_manager from the commandline like this

~$ export http_proxy=http://<proxy host>:<port>
~$ kdesu adept_manager

Revision history for this message
fuzzypig (gjohnson-gam) wrote :

I had same problem on Kubuntu 7.10, the only way I could get around it was:

$> export http_proxy=""
$> sudo adept_manager

It then worked fine, took me about 35 mins of messing about with config settings to find that out!

Revision history for this message
In , mornfall (mornfall) wrote :

Yes, yes... let's say 3.1. 3.0 is a substantial rewrite that needs to be gotten out of the door -- the sooner, the better.

Revision history for this message
Daedalus (osd-daedalus) wrote :

Same in Hardy, but come on, it takes so long to create a "http proxy" field in Adept Manager, as it is shown in Synaptic??

Revision history for this message
Michael D. Stemle, Jr. (manchicken) wrote :

Daedalus: This proxy feature is much more complicated than you seem to think it is. If you doubt me, take a peek at the code. There's a lot going on there.

Once again, this is not a forum, this is a bug tracker. Let's please keep opinion pieces in the forums so that we can use bug trackers for tracking bugs.

Revision history for this message
Ulisses Penna (uspenna) wrote :

Hi, I can confirm the problem also happens in the Ubuntu 7.04 and 7.10 with update-manager. The solution is also the one listed at the comment above:

$> export http_proxy="http://username:<email address hidden>:80"
$> sudo update-manager

I would like to suggest a possible solution.
Maybe, you can put a wrapper shell in order to start update-manager and that shell could extract the parameter from /root/.synaptic/synaptic.conf some variables and set the http_proxy only for the update-manager (or adept-manager) session.

Also, this bug seems duplicated with a lot of others. See:
bug #173050
bug #162996
bug #115388
bug #109700
bug #21536

Hope this helps.

Revision history for this message
Ulisses Penna (uspenna) wrote :

Sorry, I forgot to say that everything works with update-manager when I have Synaptic proxy config settings.
The only thing that does not work is the "dist-upgrade" like situation. I mean, I have all my packages uptaded using update-manager but no dist-upgrade (ever).
In order to accomplish dist-upgrade I have to manually set the http_proxy and call sudo update-manager. That is why I suggested a wrapper shell over the update-manager (and adept-manager).
Best regards.

Changed in adept:
importance: Medium → Wishlist
status: Confirmed → Triaged
Changed in adeptmgr:
status: Unknown → In Progress
Revision history for this message
Chucky (lechuck) wrote :

I confirm this bug in Hardy LTS 8.04.1 with latest updates on 2009-01-13.

This is a bug and not a feature as the "Proxy" configuration page resides in the "Internet & Network" category. Nothing warns me that the modification will be spread on a so narrow range of applications.

I have to separately configure Firefox, apt-get/adept and all the other ones. A common way to configure browsers is to provide a javascript script in a file with extension .pac (meaning Proxy Auto Configuration) and providing a single function called "FindProxyForURL(url, host)" to determine whether direct access or a proxy should be used.

Why doesn't Kubuntu/Ubuntu provide such a script refering to the KDE Proxy configuration. This script would be pre-configured into Firefox, adept, ... and for applications which do not support PAC, why not implement this support as a new feature ? What a valuable contribution of Kubuntu/Ubuntu to the original mainstream projects it depends on !

This would, by the way, solve another annoyance : proxy exceptions are a pain to handle when a new "lan" host has to be manually added to firefox, kde, eclipse, ...

Finally, to be able to say Ubuntu is easier to use than OS x, squash Ubuntu's deficiencies and add X's advantages ! Here X is Microsoft Windows and the advantage is the "single point for proxy configuration".

Revision history for this message
Gianfranco Liporace (dr.kabuto) wrote :

Hi Chucky,
Ubuntu with Gnome as desktop environment have an option in the proxy configuration dialog to apply the settings globally (which is done setting some environment variables). Such a thing should be simply done also inside KDE.

Revision history for this message
Ancoron Luziferis (ancoron) wrote :

Problem still seen here in 8.10 Intrepid Ibex running KDE4.1.

The workaround using environment variable "http_proxy" on the command line works fine, but can't be always set globally using an export in the .profile or similar way. Because some applications don't like those environment variables. E.g. try to use the VMWare console when you have installed VMWare Server. It is a no go. This may also be a mistake by VMWare but I'm sure there are some other apps that would have problems with that too.

In addition I found out that adept is not the only one that suffers in this case. There are several scripts that have problems too. One example is the /etc/cron.daily/apt script. There I had to add the proxy by hardcoding it into the script although this particular script seems to use gconftool to get proxy data which I just don't use because I installed Kubuntu because I didn't want Gnome. Is this really the intended way to do that when one has installed Kubuntu??? This is horrible! Isn't there a similar way to get those information from the KDE4 system settings where you can set the proxy?

This is a really funny behavior. Strange somewhat and although I managed to get the apt updater scripts working correctly in KDE4 so that it shows the "Software Update available"-Icon when I try to open it and actually do the update it fails because adept doesn't get the proxy information.

Adept is a package exclusively for KDE (at least this is stated in the package description) and so it should really be capable of using the proxy settings from KDE itself.

These are the little things that keep people using Gnome. It is always the little things! So the earlier you get this done the better. And I really think that providing another proxy configuration inside adept wouldn't be a good choice. It should definitely use the settings from KDE. As a user you would want to provide the proxy once and manage it in one place.

Sorry for the rant, it's just annoying.


Revision history for this message
Chucky (lechuck) wrote :

First, environment variables do not support proxy exceptions. Those are hosts which must not be reached through the proxy but through direct connection.
Second, I can't work using environment variables as this would require to logout/login which is not allowed in my case. In fact, I use GNU/Linux as it avoids those painfull reboots and logout/login which are a not negligible part of other OSes users' lives.

I agree with you.

Maybe the solution is a fake-proxy-relay ? It would be installed by default under [K]ubuntu and which would be the single point of configuration where to set the real proxy configuration. Then any package would be preconfigured to use it as its proxy, without having to keep the settings up to date across the applications.

Revision history for this message
Ancoron Luziferis (ancoron) wrote :

Hi Chucky,

that sounds somewhat like a wrapper around a wrapper in my ears.

Well I just fooled around a bit and found out, that the proxy settings are stored in ~/.kde/share/config/kioslaverc...

ancoron@bitch:~$ cat .kde/share/config/kioslaverc


[Proxy Settings]
Proxy Config Script=

# the following is the type of the configuration where
# 0 = direct connection (no proxy)
# 1 = manual configuration
# 2 = configuration script
# 3 = automatic proxy configuration

# the following is "true" if the proxy is only used for the sites in "NoProxyFor"

# the following variables store the proxy settings for manual configuration

I then googled again and found out that there is a command line tool called "kreadconfig". So I tried:

ancoron@bitch:~$ kreadconfig --file kioslaverc --group Proxy\ Settings --key httpProxy
ancoron@bitch:~$ kreadconfig --file kioslaverc --group Proxy\ Settings --key ProxyType

Well, that's all we need, don't we?

If that command gets used in the scripts that invoke apt and the like the problem could be solved (at least I think that).

In addition there is the kioslave subsystem which should automatically apply the proxy settings. That would be another option for adept to use for access to the repos (but that would change implementation and not just configuration).


Revision history for this message
Ziaagikian (ziaagikian) wrote :

   Last night I installed kubuntu 8.10(KDE 4.1) and I then went on to correct IP setting (Manually for LAN). I searched on desktop but i couldn't resolve my issue. So plz lend me helping hand.

Thanks alot!!!!!!!!!!

Changed in adeptmgr:
importance: Unknown → Wishlist
Revision history for this message
Jonathan Thomas (echidnaman) wrote :

Unfortunately, Adept has been unmaintained by its original authors for several years, and nobody has stepped up to continue its development. (Though the Muon Suite is arguably its spiritual successor) As such, Adept has been removed from releases of Kubuntu from 12.10 onwards, and no additional improvements will be made to the software.

We thank you for reporting this bug all the same, and apologize for taking so long to respond to it.

Changed in adept (Ubuntu):
status: Triaged → Won't Fix
Revision history for this message
In , adaptee (adaptee) wrote :

Adept has been in the unmaintained state for a few years. Use muon[1] as replacement .


Changed in adeptmgr:
status: In Progress → Unknown
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