Comment 0 for bug 185951

Revision history for this message
David Ribeiro (david-r-ribeiro) wrote :

- In "Button properties" tab, select a any button.
- Set the "Event Type" as "Key combination".
- Set the "Keycode" manually with wrong keycode (example: select the NONE value and replace by 'f' ".
- Change the focus and an error is retrieved
Console message:

Warning: dialog_btnd_empty_store could not get an iter.
Warning: tree_config_find_iter could not match name.
Warning: keycodes_get_index could not find keycode: f

- If the Close button is pressed in the error dialog it will come back. It should select the value inserted or change to the previous value.

Console message:

(btnx-config:17626): Gtk-WARNING **: GtkEntry - did not receive focus-out-event. If you
connect a handler to this signal, it must return
FALSE so the entry gets the event as well
Error: no keycode by that name exists.
Warning: keycodes_get_index could not find keycode: f
Warning: keycodes_get_index could not find keycode: f