Comment 3 for bug 559199

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symlinker (m8r-6435301) wrote :

I agree there may be instances where you want to link to a path, and whatever file is there at the moment.

Very often, though, you want to link to a file as an entity, and in cleaning up it later may end up, say, in a subdir of its former position.

I agree bzr shouldn't all of a sudden forcibly move all links around.

Still, it would be a great feature that many will find useful. Especially if you version more than just source code.

- I would not do the searching and bzr mv, but on bzr commit. You need to search the tree anyways then (I presume), and it is reasonable that the link stays broken until you ci. This way you could but a new file it its place before you ci, like in your use case above. In that case it might be a smart assumption the link should not be changed.

- Probably we would need a switch after all: bzr mv --preserve-symlinks

- Coming from svn, I would simply define a property svn:sticky-symlink on the link itself: this would obviate the above switch, keep everything clean and simple and still provide the feature. I have no ideas about properties in bzr yet, though. Is there anything of the sort of the svn-book to cure my ignorance? lp:bzr-book seems to be stuck in rev 1, and the complete user reference is not quite a linear read...

Give it a consideration ;)