Comment 33 for bug 1456585

Revision history for this message
ullix (ullix) wrote :

I used mkusb following this page and (without pre-treating the vivid-desktop-amd64.iso with isohybrid) attempted another stick creation. And presto, it works!

Tried booting on both my laptops, the present new DELL XPS13 and an old thinkpad T60, and it booted on both. Then it gets strange. On the T60 the menu under the panel network icon showed the WIFI entry, but greyed out - could not be selected. With this laptop I had never an issue with WIFI, albeit limited to 2.4GHz.

On the DELL, there was not even an entry for WIFI in the panel menu. Looked into "Additional Driver" and found the Broadcom STA listed, but inactiv. Activated, applied and there was the WIFI menu. I can connect to my lan!

Still, no sign of my 2.4GHz signal from the same router as the 5GHz signal. I verified with my Nexus7 tablet, that both signals are present.

Now it gets even stranger. On the panel network icon menu I see a signal from my neighbourhood on 2.4GHz. Again, verified with the Nexus that it is indeed on 2.4GHz. I can click on it on my DELL (but it needs a password, so here it ends).

But my local 2.4GHz signal is better than -30dB, while the neighbour's is very weak at -90 dB and still seen by the DELL. I believe this is a million fold difference!

I inactivated my router's 5GHz signal, so that it would only offer 2.4GHz - DELL now doesn't find anything (except still the neighbour's weak signal).

I tried to manually create my 2.4 network - no luck.

'iwlist wlan0 freq' finds 14 channels 2.4GHz and another 18 of 5 GHz. But this may not mean anything? Is there anything to determine whatever the wl module sees on 2.4GHz?