Comment 4 for bug 1034709

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Scott Ringwelski (sgringwe) wrote :

Willyam is completely correct.

Plugins have a place in modern software, but in most cases they are overused. An example would be device plugins - it's not necessary at all. Why? because when I plug in my iPod, phone, usb drive, etc., I just want BeatBox to work. It should recognize that a device is plugged in and present it to me for use. Plugins for devices are the opposite of that - you have to tell BeatBox what to do (to care or not care about the device) and that is bad design because what ends up happening is you plugin your iPod and nothing happens, you have no idea why, all because you did not "turn on" the iPod device.

That said, allowing playback of media on devices on a per-device basis is definitely a good idea.