Comment 4 for bug 483548

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Emilien Klein (emilien-klein) wrote :

From my quick analysis, the problem is a conversion problem:
In FMain.PiuBanda_Click(), you are getting "Vbanda" from "pausa" (1/pausa), then you change Vbanda (+10), then you convert that back to pausa (1/Vbanda) before finally displaying that, again converting it from pausa (1/pausa).

This makes that if there is an approximation due to the numbers after the comma, your integer is not 10, but 9.

I have noted this bug passing from 200 till 209...

Guido, you know best about how pausa and Vbanda are related, so I suppose you are the one that can fix this. In my opinion, you should keep those 2 separated, Vbanda to display, and pausa to do whatever you need to do with it. But right now you are making way too much conversions, so that's where this bug appears ;)