Comment 17 for bug 655198

Revision history for this message
András Földes (lafoldes-gmail) wrote :


the same happens for me.

I've .NET 3.5, installed gtk-sharp-2.12.10, and using basenji.exe from comment #11. The program crashes right after launch.

Content of the debug file:

src: gdk-sharp
msg: Couldn't recognize the image file format for file 'data/basenji.svg'
trace: at Gdk.Pixbuf..ctor(String filename)
   at Basenji.App.get_DefaultWindowIcon()
   at Basenji.Gui.Base.WindowBase.BuildGui()
   at Basenji.Gui.MainWindow.BuildGui()
   at Basenji.Gui.MainWindow..ctor(String dbPath)
   at Basenji.MainClass.Main(String[] args)
inner ex:
