Comment 2 for bug 1310841

Revision history for this message
Stefan Rijnhart (Opener) (stefan-opener) wrote :

From the fact that it happened after an update, I reckon it's due to rev. 241, which changes some date fields around. My first question is, "which bazaar revision are you running", but I'm guessing you installed from the apps menu with which I have no experience. I'm also guessing that the apps menu indicated that account_banking was upgradable because its version number was increased.

Now, the code in the ing module was changed accordingly but I did not increase that module's version number because there was no database scheme changed involved in that module. It could be that the apps menu therefore does not give you access to the required, latest version of the module (even if you 'reinstall' the addon).

Then again, the exact error message does not directly support my guesses. These database query error messages are always truncated, which is nothing you can help but it makes it difficult to find the actual problem.

My first suggestion would be for you to try out account_banking_nl_ing_mt940 instead, at least if you can get mt940 statements for your bank account. I'd very much like to retire the old csv module now that we have an mt940 one.