Comment 85 for bug 32067

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Sebastien Bacher (seb128) wrote : Re: the security parameter must be set to share, not user, in smb.conf - Smb/Gnome sharing broken

> Again, nobody is expecting anybody to fix the issue. Resources are limited, etc. But is the amount of effort to default to the crossfade backend, really quantifiable?

Did you read bug #138728? That's an interesting bug about playing being choppy when using crossfading and it got quite some duplicates. Now look for other bugs happening when crossfading is used and you will notice quite some issue there. Right, crossfading is not perfect and it doesn't seem to be an easy workaround as you would suggest and that's why we did did this change.

> You might be very right about that. But that was exactly my point. There is little interest, even in fixing default configurations. We're not even talking code here. Just a different /etc file or gconf settings.

The statement is just wrong. We do change when they make sense usually. The example you took is a good one, it has real reason why we did do that change, you might not know why but that might be because you have not looked enough at the situation before juging?

Anyway this discussion is out topic for the bug and no really constructive, let's stop it there