Comment 10 for bug 21175

Revision history for this message
Matthew East (mdke) wrote :

(In reply to comment #7)
> Sure, add this in /boot/grub/menu.lst
> title Microsoft Windows
> root (hd0,0)
> savedefault
> makeactive
> chainloader +1
> Change hd0,0 to whatever is your actual windows partition. From the looks of
> your partition table, it should be correct. You can probably just copy the entry
> in /boot/grub/menu.lst~ if it's still there.

This doesn't work :( I get the error "File System Type Unknown" or something
similar after the root line, and nothing happens.

I can mount the drive as you suggest with the option errors=recover, but after I
unmount it and try and mount it without that option, it fails again.

Windows appears to be unbootable right now. I haven't worked in Windows since it
was working and the only thing I've done on the computer is a dist-upgrade on my
Breezy installation.
