Comment 210 for bug 930447

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roland aus köln (devzero-c) wrote :

Hi there,
here is another user of Lubuntu-"this is good for your old hardware"-Distro and it DOES NOT INSTALL on my Pentium 1,5Ghz Notebook.

I spent hours on this today to make it work and my dsl line was glowing becaus of this, too - as fetching 12.04 for installation and then doing online upgrade 12.04->12.10->13.04->13.10 needed some hours and also some gigabytes download.

After reading trough all the ifs and buts i cannot believe how arrogant developers must be for not caring about issues with older hardware.

I`m really pissed. it`s not the first time that i come across some "naah, that`s old. buy a new hardware"-bug. linux always breaks sooner or later on a hardware where it worked without a problem before. and the bugs causing it get never fixed.

This is planned obsolescense, as you, developers who decided to drop non-pae kernels and who decided to drop support for Pentium M processor are responsible for thousands of working notebooks being put to trash because they can`t be used with a recent and supported OS !!!

So - all the fuzz is just all about a bug in syslinux ?

HPA does not want to fix it?

Can someone point me where he is telling about that? If he does not want to fix it, some other may fix it for him.