Comment 16 for bug 869765

Revision history for this message
Marc Deslauriers (mdeslaur) wrote :

Here's my scenario:

I work from home, and want to authenticate when I boot my laptop.
Since I'm always alone, I don't want the lock screen to come up, so I use the lock session option in g-c-c to disable the screen lock from activating automatically.
When I leave the house, I want to be able to close my lid, suspend my laptop, and bring it with me, and I want it to ask for a password when it resumes.

When I disable the automatic screen lock in g-c-c, I don't want it to apply to when I suspend my laptop. This is the behaviour that Ubuntu had adopted before, and that got changed when Gnome 3 went in, and it caught users by surprise. (See bugs, #446191, #847814).

Here is the upstream bug/discussion about it: