Comment 2 for bug 403249

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Roman HornĂ­k (roman.hornik) wrote :

If it were possible, I would rather practiced the "sudo rm -rf C:\" :D
I know that BleachBit is also designed for Windoze, but it seems to me to be unnecessary, that was installed separately for Windoze (or WINE) when only one running BleachBit is able to work with WINE applications and may even work with the files on another partition, where Windoze can be installed.
Probably you can only add to the BB Preferences something like:

I installed Windows applications:
* Nowhere
* Windows on the another partition with location: [(s/h) da (1, 2, ...)]


[...]= Text field
(s / h) da (1, 2, ...)= sda2, hda5, etc.
*= Radio buttons

Would it be possible?