Comment 0 for bug 34075

Revision history for this message
Fabián Rodríguez (magicfab) wrote :

After filling up a hard disk by copying large amounts of data to a standard home directory, the desktop reponds slowly and no applications can be started. Logout is OK, but user can't login back, GDM simply restarts.

This was reproduced several times with f-spot while importing a large library of images. The default option for importing in f-spot copies the pics files to local disk. This has been reported as a bug in f-spot too which should check for available fisk space before importing data (see linked bug).

Work around:
1) Use CTRL-ALT-F1 to gain access to console or boot in "recovery mode", login
2) "rm -rf ~/Photos" to erase all pictures imported and make room on the HD
3) reboot / relogin with GUI