Comment 1 for bug 406765

Revision history for this message
Bart de Koning (bratdaking) wrote : Re: [enhancement] Smart delete should keep also one snapshot per day for this week

Having manual settings was to much of a hassle right now :-), but if anybody likes to keep additional snapshots for the rest of the week, copy and paste the following lines of code into


at line 783 (that is in the smart_remove def between the code to keep today and yesterday, and last week), mind the spacing!

  #one per day for the rest of this week
  if now.weekday() > 1:
   for weekday in xrange( 1, now.weekday() ):
    #print "weekday: %s" % weekday
    max_date = now - datetime.timedelta( days = weekday + 1 )
    min_date = max_date
    keep_snapshots = self._smart_remove_keep_first_( snapshots, keep_snapshots, min_date, max_date )

For the convenience I included my whole

I am not sure whether more people would like this behaviour, so I did not include this into a new development branch or something, neither did I polish the settings dialog.
