Comment 1 for bug 1332969

Revision history for this message
Catalin Hritcu (catalin-hritcu) wrote : Re: Deleting snapshot takes up all RAM, brings machine to near halt

Germar (germar) wrote (as comment to #992026):
If BIT really consumes all your RAM this is a serious bug that should have it's own report.

BIT uses this commands to remove snapshots:
find "/path/to/backintime/host/user/profile_id/snapshot_id" -type d -exec chmod u+wx "{}" +
rm -rf "/path/to/backintime/host/user/profile_id/snapshot_id"

Can you please test again (especially the find command) if that eat up your RAM? If it does please open a new bug for this.

I've tried running the find command on my most recent snapshot (the old one is gone now), and it worked well, without raising the total RAM usage beyond 12%. Here is the output of the time command:
[hritcu@detained 1]$ time find "20140622-105950-290" -type d -exec chmod u+wx "{}" +
find "20140622-105950-290" -type d -exec chmod u+wx "{}" + 0.48s user 6.24s system 3% cpu 3:35.11 total
[hritcu@detained 1]$