Comment 5 for bug 1117709

Revision history for this message
Andy G (andy-p) wrote :

After I recently installed a new version of my OS, I had the same problem. And my log file looked exactly like Martin's above. I'd already looked at several other possible causes of the problem. When I saw mention above of some file in /var/log/syslog I couldn't find it on my system, so I checked if maybe I should check some other option in BIT.

Then I saw the expert option "Copy links (dereference symbolic links)" which I hadn't touched because it clearly says 'Hands off these options if you have no clue what you're doing!'. I decided to try it anyway, since in my new installation all files to be backed up are in folders that are now symlinked into my home directory.

That did the trick - BIT works again. Hope this helps someone.