Comment 14 for bug 969235

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Jean-Paul (jeanpaul145) wrote :

Though I can't speak for others, personally I don't mind the change itself. However, the vertical "half-maximalisation" keybindings (which I'll define as maximalisation such that you can put 2 windows next to each other), as you guys call it should be consistent with both the horizontal (one window op top of another) and the quadrant (making a window occupy a quarter of the screen) half-maximalisation keys, in keeping with basic convenience rules and the rule of least surprise.

I'm writing this using the AMD daily Live CD of April 6, and I can tell you guys that currently, they're not consistent, which is counter-intuitive, and that in turn seems to clash with what I perceive to be a core value of Unity: user-friendliness.
Horizontal half-maximalisation right now is bound to <ctrl> + <alt> + <kp up> and <ctrl> + <alt> + <kp down>, but because of this change, vertical half-maximalisation is bound to <ctrl> + <alt> + <left> and <ctrl> + <alt> + <right> instead of <ctrl> + <alt> + <kp left> and <ctrl> + <alt> + <kp right>.

As a very frequent user of this feature, I'd like to see this to be made consistent, ideally (though of course not necessarily) in such a way my fingers never need to leave the home row of my keyboard.

I wasn't intending to discuss this here, but as that is already sort-of done, I'll also give you guys my opinion of the "keybinding help overview" that's bound to "hold <super>":
First off, it's really great it's there as it's quick, contains useful information and doesn't get in the way of the user's workflow, but it has some layouting issues (not being able to see a keybinding in full makes such an entry effectively useless, requiring a google search), which can be corrected by utilising the available space better. A lot of it is currently wasted.
Secondly, the overview needs to become more discoverable. I stumbled on it entirely by accident when I was, for the first time ever, playing around with the dash and HUD to get an impression of Unity.