Comment 0 for bug 943995

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Nekhelesh Ramananthan (nik90) wrote :

At the moment, the Unity Launcher supports displaying the progress of an application as part of its launcher tile. This is good.

Some tasks in some applications, however, do not have an easily calculated percentage completion, and so use an 'indeterminate progress bar'. A good example of this is when checking for new updates in Update Manager. The progress bar bounces back and forth, rather than filling from start to finish.

Problem: The Unity launcher has no support for displaying this type of status on a launcher tile.

Solution: Add a spinny in the launcher icon where the number is displayed. Please see the attached mockup.

This is a bug report based on the discussion on the ayatana mailing list. You can view the message about this discussion at The solution to introduce spinny was accepted by Mark Shuttleworth as can be read from the discussion.