Comment 12 for bug 924923

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Michele Kipiel (michele-kipiel) wrote :

I see you point, yet i still don't see "Use Case A" as a truly significant use case (for me, at least).

in my experience i never _ever_ used the music lens in the way described in Use Case A.
what i do is click on the player icon which is pinned to my launcher, hit play and then let rhythmbox do the mixing.

Use Case B is much more likely to be a common search pattern than Use Case A, in my opinion.
Use Case B is actually already a standard pattern: consider firefox. you hit ctrl+k, then type something and hit enter. you see the results, but want another tab. what happens when you open another tab and go for the little search box? the keywords you input before are still there, highlighted. the user can choose whether to repeat the search or simply input new keywords.

i just find the current lens design to be less efficient, according to my own search and use habits.

it would be interesting to create a quick survey and ask ubuntu users which of the above mentioned use cases is closer to their needs and then discuss the results...