Comment 0 for bug 891648

Revision history for this message
John Lea (johnlea) wrote :

Dash - update Dash keyboard shortcuts so the 'CTRL + TAB' switches between Lenses and 'TAB' by itself moves the focus between categories.

Requested change:
- When the Dash is open, CTRL + TAB should switch the user between lenses.
- When the Dash is open, TAB should jump the keyboard focus between the search result category headers and (if the search filters are open) between the "All" button at the top of each search filter category header. If no item on the dash is currently in focus, pressing TAB should focus the top category header. If a item is already focused, pressing TAB should focus the next category header below. If the item focused is either in the last category header, or (if the search filters are open), in the last search filter category header, pressing TAB should jump the focus back to the first category header. If the search filters are open and the a item in the last search result category header is selected, pressing TAB should focus the "All" button in the top search filter category header.