Comment 20 for bug 883000

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Jens Finkhäuser (finkhaeuser-consulting) wrote :

@johnlea: what if there are two or more windows trying to grab my attention? With a multi-window messenger, that's a common enough case - sod's law has it that everyone will try to reach you when you're afk for your lunch break. So the alt-tab behaviour you describe is helpful, but still doesn't solve the problem.

I understand why you mark this as "opinion", but would strongly urge you to reconsider.

At this point, I know too little about how your notification system stands in relation to standards. I understand that is referenced on, but what real-world implications that has is not something I know.

I can therefore imagine that KDE applications, or pure GTK/Qt/Motif/<insert-toolkit-of-choice> applications won't use your system either. It seems that for a software that is predominantly concerned with providing an integrated user experience (such as Unity or any other desktop environment would be), ignoring how legacy/third-party software acts can only lead to sub-par UX.

Of course the same argument can be made for applications, but if they don't interoperate with desktop environments, they only hurt themselves - a DE hurts the whole distribution.

Still, I can't make that choice for you. In the meantime, I just won't use Ubuntu for communications, as it just can't meet my needs.