Comment 15 for bug 883000

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Sebastien Bacher (seb128) wrote :

Hum? No, that's not my argument, maybe I didn't understand the issue though, it got confusing and mpt seemed to explain a different issue than your then when he wrote

"3. An application tile wiggling can show which application owns the window that is requesting your attention. But it does not show which window is requesting your attention, if the application has more than one window open. (This means that your revision to the description of bug 893196 is simply incorrect.)"

But it's likely I didn't understand what he was trying to say, or that his point was orthogonal to yours, sorry if that's the case

For the record I've no "vision", I'm just trying to help triaging unity bugs so it's easier for the hackers to figure what needs to be worked

> That's the second point in my initial report. This doesn't exist any longer,

what you mean? I don't use skype but the launcher does follow icon changes, try opening the system settings and browse different panels, the control center icon in the launcher will change ... is the issue that something similar should happen with skype but doesn't?

> The fact that this is skype, a messaging app, is entirely incidental.

It's orthogonal but the point is still revelant, we should work with the skype team if we can to have it integrate nicely with the messaging indicator