Comment 77 for bug 882274

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alexis diavatis (alexis-diavatis-g) wrote :

Hello all,
I must admit that was the most interesting mailing list I ever read. What was the outcome of it? Nothing, nothing at all.

I am very disappointed that people cannot tell the difference between a community and a company. Is not accident that Mr Shuttleworth mentioned Android and Windows as a paradigm. Should be 100% transparency on a company product ? Obviously not. Community should know the company decisions? Only on a very basic point.

Mr Shuttleworth is a selfish and clever guy. What he misses? Vision. To be more honest he has vision, but his ego blinds it. His realism blinds his fantasy. I am not accusing Mr Shuttleworth for nothing, the opposite I admire what he has achieved so far. But I was wondering, is Mr Shuttleworth the best man to take design decisions?

The real bug on Unity isn’t the transparency on its design, but the design of Unity its self. Unity on my unimportant opinion is a bad product comparing to g-Shell & on Windows 8 interface. I won’t mention the reasons (I guess even Mark knows them), instead I will give the solution.

Mr Shutteworth fork Gnome-Shell, and make your Unity this way. Is some ridiculous the fact (or excuse) that you cannot move dash because it involves to much work. Use shell, it is easy there, and keep on mind, is never to late to change your decision.

If Unity hadn’t the huge Ubuntu user-base behind it, would be a dead project by now. But Mr Shutteworth please please don’t count on user loyalty so much. I’m one I left Ubuntu (after 6 years) because of version 11.04 and I personally know about 20 more people.

Well for me the software development policies of Canonical are quite right and straitforward, Ubuntu is superb, Unity is bad.
And as Mr Shuttleworth said, if you don’t like it, don’t use it. It’s fair enough :)


- alex