Comment 133 for bug 882274

Revision history for this message
mr.goose (editor-garfnet) wrote :


I took great care in my posts *not* to criticise the state of the Ubuntu community in any way at all. My criticisms with regard to engagement were aimed at the seemingly high-handed approach of the leadership and undesirability of forcing a half-finished and some would argue fundamentally-flawed desktop on its community of users. Like the o/p and many other contributors to this thread, I wanted to express my concern with regard to the damage this course of action is likely to cause.

Clearly, there is a significant number of users for whom Unity is entirely inappropriate. Therefore I also suggested some safe and relatively straightforward workarounds so that users could stay with Ubuntu, whilst using a desktop environment that was much more suited to their needs.

Finally, now that you mention it, how *do* you measure community engagement? And what makes you so certain that the Unity fiasco is really doing no harm?

Best wishes, G.